The Cities with the Most Loved Independent Stores

This post was originally published on On Deck

In a consumer economy overshadowed by big chains and then by online shops — both indie and corporate — running a high-street boutique is a tricky balance of engaging with mass culture while differentiating from the norm.

Indeed, the high street has become a complicated ecosystem of major and minor players who can benefit from observing or working with each other. Just look at how “superchain” Barnes & Noble is now celebrated as a hero by indie bookshops for helping “readers discover new titles and publishers stay invested in physical stores,” according to the New York Times. At the other end of the scale, the existence of online stores boosts the experience of IRL luxury shopping at brick-and-mortar indie stores, giving consumers an added sense of exclusivity.

Indeed, the indie stores that do this the best balance a distinct personality alongside sturdy reliability. And those entrepreneurs who cultivate the strongest identity may stand the best chance of thriving — and keeping precious consumer dollars in local communities rather than among remote shareholders and executives.

But how do you create and maintain a beloved independent brand? For inspiration and to identify the boutiques that Americans love the most and the cities

Read the rest of this post, which was originally published on On Deck.

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