What Is Operational Effectiveness and How Do I Improve It?

This post was originally published on On Deck

Operational effectiveness means you are doing the right things well. When you’re a small business owner, it also means you are doing a hundred different things at the same time.

If you’re a small business owner who finds themselves “too busy chopping wood to sharpen the ax,” as the expression goes, then it could pay to turn your attention toward operational effectiveness.

What is operational effectiveness?

Operating effectively helps both you and your employees work smarter — not just harder — in order to achieve business goals. It’s a concept that includes a wide range of business processes and functions, including quality management, process improvement, and efficient use of resources. It’s about utilizing resources and energy wisely to improve your business’s performance and productivity.

Improving your operations has many benefits. This includes boosting your competitive advantage, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

So how good is your company at doing the right things well? Let’s explore ways to boost your operational effectiveness in the next section.

How to improve operational effectiveness.

Improving your business’s operational effectiveness requires a holistic approach. Here are some strategies and areas where you might want to focus first:

Write an effective operations manual.

An operations

Read the rest of this post, which was originally published on On Deck.

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